How do prospective recipients apply?
Come by our office located at 430 South Court St., Montgomery or call the toll-free number 1-866-780-4945 or (334)-262-4300. Ask for the Weatherization office. Answer a few preliminary questions to determine eligibility and ask for the “Weatherization Application packet” to be mailed to you. You may download and print the Application and Cover Letter from this website.
What is the process?
- One of the primary factors affecting eligibility is income. Households at or below 200% of the poverty income guidelines are considered eligible for weatherization services or if they receive Supplemental Security Income or Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
- WAP Grantees also give priority to the elderly, families with one or more members with a disability, families with children, or high-energy users.
- Client requests an Application Packet from CARPDC, leaving their full mailing address and two contact numbers.
- Application packet is mailed to client with instruction letter describing the necessary documentation which must accompany application. A completed application must be submitted with the following documents:
- Proof of Income, such as pay stubs, Social Security, retirement or pension for ALL occupants. If Social Security is related to a Disability, please provide a copy of an award letter or statement showing the word ‘Disability’. For further information on proof of income, please refer to HHS’ Poverty Income Guidelines and Definition of Income.
- Proof of Property Ownership, such as a copy of deed or property tax notification.
- Proof of Residency, such as a copy of energy, electric, and/or gas utility bills, which must have the name and address of the home owner.
- Identification record for all occupants, such as a copy of driver’s license and social security card.
- Property Record Card, available from Court House or tax assessor’s office, which must show when home was built. N/A for mobile homes.
- The completed application and ALL necessary documentation is mailed or hand-carried to this office, addressed to the following:
CARPDC Weatherization Program
430 South Court St.
Montgomery, AL 36104
- After receiving the completed application and required documentation/records, the application will be reviewed for program eligibility to receive Weatherization Services.
- If determined eligible, the client file is prioritized per program guidelines and placed on the ranked prioritization list. All applicants with same priority point value are prioritized by date received.
- Client will be notified of the application’s eligibility. Please remember that people who are most in need are often moved to the top of the priority list.
- When the client file migrates to top of list, an energy audit is scheduled. The energy audit will determine eligibility of the structure and needed energy efficiency measures to be installed. If the structure’s state of disrepair/dilapidation is beyond program scope, the home will be disqualified.
- If eligible, client home is let out for contractor bid.
- Contractor arranges an appointment date with the client and completes necessary Weatherization services and installations.
- A final inspection will be scheduled and work reviewed for quality assurance and program compliance.
- Client enjoys a more comfortable and more energy efficient home.
Does CARPDC have credentialed people on staff?
The current program manager has been with WAP for over twelve years and possesses the following training certificates, certifications, and licenses:
- 20 plus years previous residential construction experience
- Building Performance Institute (BPI) certifications:
- Quality Control Inspector (2014) – ANSI Certification
- Building Analyst Professional
- Envelope Professional
- Licensed Home Inspector – Alabama license HI-4006
- Certified Carbon Monoxide inspector
- Certified Lead Renovator by Alabama Department of Public Health & EPA
- Infrared Camera Training Certificate for Energy Applications
- Certified in Mold Assessment and Remediation
- ADECA Energy Code Training on International Residential Code (IRC) of 2009
- Kansas Building Science Institute Inspector/Auditor graduate
- Georgia Association of Home Inspectors (GAHI) Home Inspection Methods graduate
- NRCERT Mobile Home Wx Training certificate – 2005
- Completed Alabama Ethics Law training
For Autauga, Chilton, Dallas, Elmore, Macon, Montgomery, Perry, Russell, and Shelby County residents, please see links to application above. For residents of all other Counties, please contact ADECA-ED, Weatherization Department.
For further information please email Jeannie Ward, Weatherization Clerk, or call 334-262-4300.